Wednesday, December 29, 2010

7 Tips To Supercharge Your Speed Seduction® Success!

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

Part of learning any new technology is understanding some
basic principles. So here are some tips that I have found have
helped many clients with the initial Speed Seduction learning
curve. Remember, a huge part of Speed Seduction is learning to
use your language to...

Capture and Lead A Woman's Imagination and Emotions!

As I have taught again and again, whatever you can get a
person to imagine will be perceived by them to be their own
thought, and thus will not be resisted. Women especially like to
be led by their imagination and emotions! Then, and only then,
will they give you the behaviors (love, sex, etc) that you crave
and want. Remember, women want good feelings, and all of the
tools and language patterns in the Speed Seduction Home Study
course are geared toward either doing this or gathering the
information you need to do this.

Tip 1: The patterns are examples, NOT rules. Many students
think that unless they present the patterns to women, word for
word, that they won't work or get results. THIS IS JUST 100%
FALSE! The patterns are only examples..very GOOD examples..of
the kinds of communication that turn women on. They give you the
structure. But they aren't meant to be rigidly or exclusively
followed. Learn from them HOW they work, and you'll be able to
quickly create your own patterns.

Tip 2: Women enjoy the patterns, so forget about being
caught. So many beginning clients feel like they are doing
something wrong...a small minor crime like picking a pocket or
stealing a wrist-watch when they approach women to do the
patterns! Hey..the patterns are designed to make women feel
wonderful! At the very least you are brightening her day and
doing her a favor and at best turning her on unlike anyone else
ever has! So far from feeling bad, you ought to excited about
the gift you are giving her!

Tip 3: Practice the patterns out loud! The patterns are meant
to be SPOKEN, not read! You can't really master the tonality and
tempo unless you practice OUT LOUD! THIS STEP IS CRITICAL!

Tip 4: Take a little bit each day! Speed Seduction is like
learning a whole new language and a whole new way of thinking!
Be fair to yourself and master it all naturally as it comes!
Take your time and just do a little bit every day! You'll be
shocked at how much you master in just a few weeks time!

Tip 5: Pattern Flow Is Important! One of the most crucial
skills is knowing how to transition from one pattern to another!
In one letter, I explained how to make flash cards to quickly
learn how to flow from one pattern to the next! If you haven't
done that...DO IT NOW!

Tip 6: Understand The Conversational Set-ups! Patterns are
hard to use if you don't know how to introduce them and bring
them up in conversation! For each pattern you want to use you
ought to have at least two ways of bringing it up! I cover this
in several of the Newsletters, so if you haven't got them, all
the back issues are in the back of the workbook in the
Basic/Delux Home Study Course.

Tip 7: Practice Your Closing! So many guys have told me
they've run patterns but when it comes time to closing the
deal..they are stuck! Well, as I have said, if you want a
result, you've got to rehearse it! So prepare your closes in
advance so they flow from you naturally and without thought when
you need them! Along those lines, here are some EXCELLENT

Close #1: Why don't we continue this somewhere else and see
how much we can enjoy each others company?

Close #2: It's too bad you're not the type of person who can
imagine being together, feeling and doing all the things you
love to feel and do..for all the reasons that make sense to
you..but as you think about it just like that..doesn't it just
seem that spending some time together is something we have to

Close #3: So..what steps would we have to take in order to
make sure we can talk again?

Close #4: I have an intuition..and I don't know if you can
imagine this as I describe it..that when we get a chance to talk
without time pressures or interruptions...we'll really enjoy
each others company..and I'm wondering if there's a number
where you feel comfortable having me call you.

Piece and Peace


P.S You can get your Speed Seduction® Home Study Course at:

This newsletter, and all of its contents are copyright Ross Jeffries. However this newsletter may be reprinted and re-used in any format, without prior consent, provided all content, including all links, are kept intact, proper credit for authorship is given, and the newsletter is given for free, without charge.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

7 Tips To Supercharge Your Speed Seduction® Success!

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

Part of learning any new technology is understanding some
basic principles. So here are some tips that I have found have
helped many clients with the initial Speed Seduction learning
curve. Remember, a huge part of Speed Seduction is learning to
use your language to...

Capture and Lead A Woman's Imagination and Emotions!

As I have taught again and again, whatever you can get a
person to imagine will be perceived by them to be their own
thought, and thus will not be resisted. Women especially like to
be led by their imagination and emotions! Then, and only then,
will they give you the behaviors (love, sex, etc) that you crave
and want. Remember, women want good feelings, and all of the
tools and language patterns in the Speed Seduction Home Study
course are geared toward either doing this or gathering the
information you need to do this.

Tip 1: The patterns are examples, NOT rules. Many students
think that unless they present the patterns to women, word for
word, that they won't work or get results. THIS IS JUST 100%
FALSE! The patterns are only examples..very GOOD examples..of
the kinds of communication that turn women on. They give you the
structure. But they aren't meant to be rigidly or exclusively
followed. Learn from them HOW they work, and you'll be able to
quickly create your own patterns.

Tip 2: Women enjoy the patterns, so forget about being
caught. So many beginning clients feel like they are doing
something wrong...a small minor crime like picking a pocket or
stealing a wrist-watch when they approach women to do the
patterns! Hey..the patterns are designed to make women feel
wonderful! At the very least you are brightening her day and
doing her a favor and at best turning her on unlike anyone else
ever has! So far from feeling bad, you ought to excited about
the gift you are giving her!

Tip 3: Practice the patterns out loud! The patterns are meant
to be SPOKEN, not read! You can't really master the tonality and
tempo unless you practice OUT LOUD! THIS STEP IS CRITICAL!

Tip 4: Take a little bit each day! Speed Seduction is like
learning a whole new language and a whole new way of thinking!
Be fair to yourself and master it all naturally as it comes!
Take your time and just do a little bit every day! You'll be
shocked at how much you master in just a few weeks time!

Tip 5: Pattern Flow Is Important! One of the most crucial
skills is knowing how to transition from one pattern to another!
In one letter, I explained how to make flash cards to quickly
learn how to flow from one pattern to the next! If you haven't
done that...DO IT NOW!

Tip 6: Understand The Conversational Set-ups! Patterns are
hard to use if you don't know how to introduce them and bring
them up in conversation! For each pattern you want to use you
ought to have at least two ways of bringing it up! I cover this
in several of the Newsletters, so if you haven't got them, all
the back issues are in the back of the workbook in the
Basic/Delux Home Study Course.

Tip 7: Practice Your Closing! So many guys have told me
they've run patterns but when it comes time to closing the
deal..they are stuck! Well, as I have said, if you want a
result, you've got to rehearse it! So prepare your closes in
advance so they flow from you naturally and without thought when
you need them! Along those lines, here are some EXCELLENT

Close #1: Why don't we continue this somewhere else and see
how much we can enjoy each others company?

Close #2: It's too bad you're not the type of person who can
imagine being together, feeling and doing all the things you
love to feel and do..for all the reasons that make sense to
you..but as you think about it just like that..doesn't it just
seem that spending some time together is something we have to

Close #3: So..what steps would we have to take in order to
make sure we can talk again?

Close #4: I have an intuition..and I don't know if you can
imagine this as I describe it..that when we get a chance to talk
without time pressures or interruptions...we'll really enjoy
each others company..and I'm wondering if there's a number
where you feel comfortable having me call you.

Piece and Peace


P.S You can get your Speed Seduction® Home Study Course at:

This newsletter, and all of its contents are copyright Ross Jeffries. However this newsletter may be reprinted and re-used in any format, without prior consent, provided all content, including all links, are kept intact, proper credit for authorship is given, and the newsletter is given for free, without charge.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

He Planned To Approach 100 Women!

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

Every once in a while I get such good emails from students,
there's nothing better I can do than to simply let THEM do the

What you are about to read comes from the special "Speed
Seduction®" customer forum; a list of nearly 2,000 people world
wide who have purchased a Speed Seduction® Home Study Course and
daily discuss their challenges, breakthroughs, questions and
experiments. I’m very proud of this resource I provide, because
it lets students not only talk with me, but with each other, and
having that community supporting your learning can be a big
boost of confidence.

With that in mind, here’s a student’s progress report he
posted on his plans to approached 100 women. Pay special
attention to his brilliant advice on overcoming the fear of

Dear Ross and seduction brothers,

From talking with the awesome brothers in the Boston area it
became obvious from their comments that the only way to get
better at walk-ups is to do a lot of them. So Eric suggested
this approach, which worked very well: choose a number of
walk-ups to do, and go with the EXPECTATION of getting shot

That's somewhat paradoxical but that's what makes it work.
So I set my goal at a 100. I've already done 50, and this is the
half-time report.

It's been FANTASTIC (aside from getting enthusiastic phone
numbers from women who even have boyfriends and very positive
responses). Going with the expectation of let me get another one
on my list makes things a WHOLE LOT easier. There's no hurt, no
rejection, it's just another notch. "Here goes number 33."

INSTEAD of going with the goal of I am going to get this
many phone numbers, and feeling good/bad depending on the
outcome, go with the goal I'm just going to have fun getting
shot down this many times and learning. Then, it's piece of cake
to learn.

SET a concrete number of approaches you want, and do it. You
WILL be successful at doing that.

Basically, now, I feel comfortable approaching almost any
woman under any condition (the train, a coffee shop, etc.). It
really is a LEAP from where I was before.

My state is infinitely more solid... and while I can get
better with very attractive women, I lead with much greater
ease, I deal with most objections right away, and I'm able to
instill comfort/ease/trust almost instantaneously.

I can only imagine what will happen when I get to 100. But
I'm not worried about that... I just need to get 50 more under
my belt.

(Techniques That Helped Him Do It!)

Now here're a few techniques you may want to use: Talking
with other SSers: I cannot say enough about this. The Boston
team is great, and posting/reading up people's SS postings while
doing the above is both encouraging as well as enlightening. I
just want to thank the thoughtful people who post quality emails
... some of us really appreciate it.

Self-reward and -analysis: Always pat yourself in the back
after making an approach or every few approaches. It works. It
sounds funny but you feel better when you tell yourself 'good
job' and give yourself a pat in the back.

Every say 5 approaches analyze what you did... think how you
could have done it concretely better... and replay in your mind
how you'd have done it. DON'T analyze every time, do it every
say 5 times.

Women are random and if you analyze it each time you'll NOT
see the real pattern. No pun intended. :) But the exercise
(AGAIN) is not to get better, although you naturally will, but
just to get across the X number of getting shot-down.

Fear of failure and safety: Early on I sat down and asked
myself what in the world was holding me back from approaching
beautiful (physically, intellectually, spiritually) women and
making their lives sheer beauty, wonder, delight... and I
realized... it was just a simple fear of failing.

What if I make a fool out of myself? What if I fall on my
face? What if I just annoy her? Being someone who's successful
at a lot of things he's tried in life this was a BIG one.

But then after some thought I realized it was a paradox. THE
BIGGEST FAILURE IS TO FEAR FAILURE. If you fear failure, then
you're GUARANTEED to fail every time.

Think about it. Think about this for long enough and it'll
BLOW your mind AND any fear of failure you have out of the
water. DRILL on any such feelings with this paradox.

If you fear failure, YOU WILL FAIL EACH AND EVERY TIME. It's
a complete guarantee. So THAT FEAR IS ITSELF the BIGGEST

Secondly, often we want to be 'safe.' But usually, safe from
what?? Safe from success, safe from learning how to move women
in ways that may astonish us. Do you want to be safe from
success? Really? Think about your whole life ... do you want to
be safe repeating that SAME pattern?

If these are issues for you, I'd try meditate on these two
ideas, after some breathing exercises, and you may find, like I
did, that meditation affecting your whole life timeline, going
to the deepest crevices of your being, and you will be
decontaminated from those thoughts in a couple hours or days.

Don't be surprised to see your whole physiology changing.
This is not just pattern language... my whole body felt it. Use
the titanium drill of the paradoxes to destroy those filthy
mental microbes.

Best regards, Stephen/Angelo


Ok. Ross here again. This student really got it when he
talked about the paradox of fearing failure actually being the
biggest guarantee of failure.

You see, as I have said before, it is the meaning you assign
to things that determines how you will feel about them. If you
assign the meaning that you MUST “succeed” with every beautiful
girl you see, you are going to drive yourself nuts with all
sorts of unneeded fear and stress.

When you assign the right meaning to things; that you are
just practicing and you are intending to fall on your face, just
to practice, suddenly it loses its importance and paradoxically,
you do a lot better with a lot less effort.

My own personal beliefs about meeting and seducing women
are, “Let’s go have some fun with her and find out what she’s
like” and “I will either get what I want or learn what I need to
in order to get what I want or even better next time”.

Try THOSE on for size, and see what happens to any fear of
approaching women.

‘Til next time.

Peace and piece,


P.S. can jump start YOUR success with women and join our Speed Seduction® online community as well. Membership is free when you purchase your Speed Seduction® Home Study Course! Just go to

This newsletter, and all of its contents are copyright Ross Jeffries. However this newsletter may be reprinted and re-used in any format, without prior consent, provided all content, including all links, are kept intact, proper credit for authorship is given, and the newsletter is given for free, without charge.

Friday, December 10, 2010

How To Meet Women, Anytime, Anywhere, Part I

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

One of the most common questions I have gotten in my 11 years of teaching Speed Seduction® is: what are some good and easy ways to meet women?

Recently, someone sent me an email, where, among other things, he said, “I hate going to clubs and bars, and at 35 years old, I feel out of place in them anyway.”

Now, this is one of the most common questions I get. And it's good to see a guy up there in his 30's still pushing for what he really wants.

Personally, as a 45 year old geezer who is as close to ugly as you can get without getting your face banned by the FDA, I still go for and GET women in their mid 20's(occasionally I will pull a 21-22 year old) and I never set foot in clubs.

But clubs or not, there ARE master keys for a guy of any age, to be meeting women, anytime anywhere. And believe me, this skill IS important.

You see, so many guys who are fixated on one girl, convinced SHE is the woman of their dreams whom they must have would actually dump her in a heartbeat if they knew they could go out and meet 10 hot women that same day they were pining over their 'dream girl"(who probably isn't giving them any anyway).

Hey…I'm sorry if I seem flippant here. But the reality is, the skill of meeting women anytime, anywhere, is crucial to avoiding what I call..

Relationships By Default!

You see, it has long been a theory of mine that MOST men don’t really wind up with the woman they really want. For most men, "dating" is such a form of roll the dice/crap shoot/gambling that they usually wind up settling for the woman who accidentally was attracted to them instead of the woman or women they really want.

Does this sound familiar?

Hey-I'm sorry if this seems harsh to you, but I call 'em like I see 'em. (And wow, did this ever get me booed and even physically attacked when I used to spout it on talk shows way back in the early and mid 90's.

Anyway, enough rambling. What I'm about to introduce you to is light years ahead of anything else out there, primarily because IT DOES NOT RELY ON CANNED LINES.

Yes, lines can be useful. Yes, lines can work. And I'll even give you some that are actually quite good.

But the key to remember is, with any line, it is the ATTITUDE that will determine how well the line works.

The Incredible Power Of Attitudes And Approach Positions

Basically then, there are 4 different attitudes or "approach positions"

The first one I'd like to talk about is one of my very favorite, and I call it "the Blurt Out".

The Blurt Out pretty much is what it sounds like; you "blurt out" whatever is actually going through your mind when you first spot the lady who has your attention, without any "editing" on your part (Ok, here's an exception: if your first thought is, "Damn, I have to touch those breasts!" it's probably best NOT to blurt that out!!

What I like about the Blurt Out is that it is coming from a place of vulnerability and sincerity. It's almost like you are thinking out loud, so women tend to automatically react without suspicion and be much more open and friendly to your approach.

The Blurt Out also works because you are implying something about your confidence, without saying it. What you are implying is, "hey, I'm a sincere guy, with real guts. I'm telling you what I really think, and I'm putting my head on the chopping block and handing you the axe. Will you be a horrible person and a coward and chop my head off or will you be as cool as me and be open to talking?"

The Blurt Out tends to work best with women in motion; either women who are walking directly toward you or women with whom you are walking parallel/side to side.

Just as an example of the Blurt Out in action, I once met a very hot 24 year old Canadian chick. I was in a parking structure for a shopping mall. She was walking up the steps, as I was walking down.

As I passed her I blurted out exactly what I was thinking in that moment, which was, "'ve got style to burn!" just as if I was thinking out loud. She turned around, walked back down the steps and SHE initiated the conversation and later invited me to go get a beer.

That's the key to this approach, again. Just blurt out whatever you are thinking when you see her. Even if your thoughts happen to be shy or fearful, express what you are thinking, as in, "I realized if I kept hesitating, I'd never get to meet you and I'd kick myself for a week. So I had to come up and say SOMETHING. I'm "Your Name Here"

Can you see how totally sincere and disarming this approach could be? Especially for very good looking women who keep having all sorts of bullshit thrown their way.

The Blurt Out Plus The Implied Compliment

With an implied compliment, you don't actually say that YOU think the woman in question is hot or stylish or beautiful. You just imply it by how you state it.

Here's an example: walking around an outdoor mall, I spotted a woman who just walked incredibly gracefully. So I walked beside her and said, "It's just that I really admire women who carry themselves with grace and I had to say "Hi"."

See the implied compliment? I didn't say it directly, I implied it. I said I admired women with who carry themselves with grace and power. Since I was talking to her, that must mean I think that about her.

But HER mind had to fill in the blank and apply the compliment to herself. Since this was an ACTIVE process involving her own mind, it wasn't perceived as coming from an outsider, but rather something she herself thought. And so it goes in without resistance!

This is a sneaky way to communicate, but you'll learn a lot more about the power of implication to move the thoughts, imagination, and emotions of women in ways you can't yet dream possible!

Approach Position Two: Observation, Comment or Question

The second approach position or attitude is what I call the "observation, comment or question". You can combine these with a sense of humor or just do them straight up, and they work best in a setting where neither you or the woman is in motion, so you have some time to make your observation.

The biggest advantage with these is they are non-threatening and you don't have to rely on anything canned to fit the situation.

(By the way, when thinking of something to say, one of the key questions I'll ask myself is, "What can I notice, observe or intuit about this person that I can use to make a connection? A good way to send your mind in the right direction).

Observations, comments and questions of course depend on the situation ongoing, and I usually quickly follow them up with something funny, often a put-on(which is our third approach position or attitude, so we'll get there in a minute).

Real life example: I was in a gas station, filling up my car. The woman next to me was putting gas in her giant white Mercedes. I said, "How do you like your Mercedes?" (See..simple question!)

Her response, "I love it. How do you like your SAAB?"

Ok, she's answering back, so I know at least she's friendly. I said, "I like it."

Then I jumped right to a put-on, which is an easy thing to follow up any comment, observation or question.

I said, "It's too short."

She said, "What? The Mercedes. I think it's pretty long.

I said, "No, it's too short."

She said, "What is?"

I said,"Life…to hestitate…when you meet someone you think is incredibly attractive."

She smiled and said, "Thank you!"

I then playfully hit her on the shoulder and said, "I was talking about ME!"

This got MORE laughter and then names were exchanged, and shortly thereafter, phone numbers as well.

My point: observations, comments and questions can be followed up with almost anything and combined with almost anything.

A favorite question opener of mine actually combines a question with a compliment, as in, "Do you do a martial art? You carry yourself with discpline and's a very rare and attractive trait."

By the way, when it comes to compliments to pick up women, I prefer to IMPLY them or combine them with a question and I prefer to strongly compliment a woman on how she moves or her "energy". For some reason these are lot more acceptable and less threatening and perceived as more sincere than direct comments
about her looks.

Approach Position 3: The Put-On

Now we come to my favorite "approach position" the put-on. The put-on is simply a humorous approach where you pretend something to get her attention. For example, if a woman is walking in my direction and is wearing a t-shirt with a logo or design, I will look confused, point at the shirt and say, "I don't get it".

Usually, the response is, "Don't get what?" To which I always say, "The shirt. What's it mean?"

At this point, I almost always get an explanation from her about the logo or symbol, to which my response is to pretend to disagree and argue in the most ridiculous way.

Example: sitting in a yogurt shop, a young lady with very large breasts walked in. She was wearing a tight t-shirt with a slogan that said, "Free the Afghans"!.

I pretended that I thought the shirt was about Afghan DOGS. You know..the shaggy haired, long-legged dogs you sometimes see accompanying models in photo shoots?

I said, "who is holding a bunch of dogs captive? Why do you want to free them? Do you want more dogs to be strays?"

She tried explaining, and I kept misunderstanding. Then I made a joke about being so good looking I didn't need to be smart. Then I introduced myself.

If you want a good idea of the overall attitude for this approach, think of Bugs Bunny. Or Groucho Marx. Or Leslie Nielsen from the "Police Squad" movies.

One more example of a put-on approach. I was sitting in a local café and seated behind me was a very attractive young Asian woman. I observed that she was thinking very hard, talking to herself, trying to figure out her economics book.

So I turned to her and said, as seriously as could, "Could I ask you not to think too loud? You look like a loud thinker, and I have very important writing to do."

My friend, who was sitting across from me said she couldn't stop looking at me after that and could not go back to studying! I turned to her a minute later and said, "Look…I asked you nicely not to think so loud! Don't make me call the management!"

At that point, SHE began a conversation.

There are many, many ways to enjoy a put on. And you can combine it with an observation as in this last example; my observation about this girl was that she really was, "thinking loud"-she was having trouble trying to figure out what she was reading and so she WAS talking to herself, internally, in her head, which is a way of "thinking loud".

Approach Position #4: Genuine Intuition

The final approach position is what I would call a genuine intuition. This is more rare and harder to do. But did you ever find yourself just looking at someone and you just KNEW that person? Like something deep inside you connected with something deep inside them and you just KNEW them?

In this case, when this happens, go with your intuition and tell them what you observe. It's close to an observation, but the difference with this position is, it really isn't something you could pick up with your physical 5 senses.

This is advanced stuff that will come in time, so I wouldn't worry about it for now. But as an example, I was once sitting in my favorite coffee place. As this beautiful blonde woman walked in the door, I saw an image of her on stage, singing. So as she walked by I just said, "How long have you been a singer?"

It totally blew her away. And a long conversation followed. So if you have a strong intuition, just run with it and give it a shot. It's a bit risky, but when it works it has an incredible impact.

Ok. That's it for this issue. Next we'll continue to take up this thread and tell you more great ways to meet women, anytime, anywhere. Until then,

Peace and piece,


P.S. Want real success and power with the women of your choice, instead of the women you have to settle for? Your Speed Seduction® Home Study Course is waiting for you! Just go to today!

This newsletter, and all of its contents are copyright Ross Jeffries. However this newsletter may be reprinted and re-used in any format, without prior consent, provided all content, including all links, are kept intact, proper credit for authorship is given, and the newsletter is given for free, without charge.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Meet Women, Anytime, Anywhere, Part I

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

One of the most common questions I have gotten in my 11 years of teaching Speed Seduction® is: what are some good and easy ways to meet women?

Recently, someone sent me an email, where, among other things, he said, “I hate going to clubs and bars, and at 35 years old, I feel out of place in them anyway.”

Now, this is one of the most common questions I get. And it's good to see a guy up there in his 30's still pushing for what he really wants.

Personally, as a 45 year old geezer who is as close to ugly as you can get without getting your face banned by the FDA, I still go for and GET women in their mid 20's(occasionally I will pull a 21-22 year old) and I never set foot in clubs.

But clubs or not, there ARE master keys for a guy of any age, to be meeting women, anytime anywhere. And believe me, this skill IS important.

You see, so many guys who are fixated on one girl, convinced SHE is the woman of their dreams whom they must have would actually dump her in a heartbeat if they knew they could go out and meet 10 hot women that same day they were pining over their 'dream girl"(who probably isn't giving them any anyway).

Hey…I'm sorry if I seem flippant here. But the reality is, the skill of meeting women anytime, anywhere, is crucial to avoiding what I call..

Relationships By Default!

You see, it has long been a theory of mine that MOST men don’t really wind up with the woman they really want. For most men, "dating" is such a form of roll the dice/crap shoot/gambling that they usually wind up settling for the woman who accidentally was attracted to them instead of the woman or women they really want.

Does this sound familiar?

Hey-I'm sorry if this seems harsh to you, but I call 'em like I see 'em. (And wow, did this ever get me booed and even physically attacked when I used to spout it on talk shows way back in the early and mid 90's.

Anyway, enough rambling. What I'm about to introduce you to is light years ahead of anything else out there, primarily because IT DOES NOT RELY ON CANNED LINES.

Yes, lines can be useful. Yes, lines can work. And I'll even give you some that are actually quite good.

But the key to remember is, with any line, it is the ATTITUDE that will determine how well the line works.

The Incredible Power Of Attitudes And Approach Positions

Basically then, there are 4 different attitudes or "approach positions"

The first one I'd like to talk about is one of my very favorite, and I call it "the Blurt Out".

The Blurt Out pretty much is what it sounds like; you "blurt out" whatever is actually going through your mind when you first spot the lady who has your attention, without any "editing" on your part (Ok, here's an exception: if your first thought is, "Damn, I have to touch those breasts!" it's probably best NOT to blurt that out!!

What I like about the Blurt Out is that it is coming from a place of vulnerability and sincerity. It's almost like you are thinking out loud, so women tend to automatically react without suspicion and be much more open and friendly to your approach.

The Blurt Out also works because you are implying something about your confidence, without saying it. What you are implying is, "hey, I'm a sincere guy, with real guts. I'm telling you what I really think, and I'm putting my head on the chopping block and handing you the axe. Will you be a horrible person and a coward and chop my head off or will you be as cool as me and be open to talking?"

The Blurt Out tends to work best with women in motion; either women who are walking directly toward you or women with whom you are walking parallel/side to side.

Just as an example of the Blurt Out in action, I once met a very hot 24 year old Canadian chick. I was in a parking structure for a shopping mall. She was walking up the steps, as I was walking down.

As I passed her I blurted out exactly what I was thinking in that moment, which was, "'ve got style to burn!" just as if I was thinking out loud. She turned around, walked back down the steps and SHE initiated the conversation and later invited me to go get a beer.

That's the key to this approach, again. Just blurt out whatever you are thinking when you see her. Even if your thoughts happen to be shy or fearful, express what you are thinking, as in, "I realized if I kept hesitating, I'd never get to meet you and I'd kick myself for a week. So I had to come up and say SOMETHING. I'm "Your Name Here"

Can you see how totally sincere and disarming this approach could be? Especially for very good looking women who keep having all sorts of bullshit thrown their way.

The Blurt Out Plus The Implied Compliment

With an implied compliment, you don't actually say that YOU think the woman in question is hot or stylish or beautiful. You just imply it by how you state it.

Here's an example: walking around an outdoor mall, I spotted a woman who just walked incredibly gracefully. So I walked beside her and said, "It's just that I really admire women who carry themselves with grace and I had to say "Hi"."

See the implied compliment? I didn't say it directly, I implied it. I said I admired women with who carry themselves with grace and power. Since I was talking to her, that must mean I think that about her.

But HER mind had to fill in the blank and apply the compliment to herself. Since this was an ACTIVE process involving her own mind, it wasn't perceived as coming from an outsider, but rather something she herself thought. And so it goes in without resistance!

This is a sneaky way to communicate, but you'll learn a lot more about the power of implication to move the thoughts, imagination, and emotions of women in ways you can't yet dream possible!

Approach Position Two: Observation, Comment or Question

The second approach position or attitude is what I call the "observation, comment or question". You can combine these with a sense of humor or just do them straight up, and they work best in a setting where neither you or the woman is in motion, so you have some time to make your observation.

The biggest advantage with these is they are non-threatening and you don't have to rely on anything canned to fit the situation.

(By the way, when thinking of something to say, one of the key questions I'll ask myself is, "What can I notice, observe or intuit about this person that I can use to make a connection? A good way to send your mind in the right direction).

Observations, comments and questions of course depend on the situation ongoing, and I usually quickly follow them up with something funny, often a put-on(which is our third approach position or attitude, so we'll get there in a minute).

Real life example: I was in a gas station, filling up my car. The woman next to me was putting gas in her giant white Mercedes. I said, "How do you like your Mercedes?" (See..simple question!)

Her response, "I love it. How do you like your SAAB?"

Ok, she's answering back, so I know at least she's friendly. I said, "I like it."

Then I jumped right to a put-on, which is an easy thing to follow up any comment, observation or question.

I said, "It's too short."

She said, "What? The Mercedes. I think it's pretty long.

I said, "No, it's too short."

She said, "What is?"

I said,"Life…to hestitate…when you meet someone you think is incredibly attractive."

She smiled and said, "Thank you!"

I then playfully hit her on the shoulder and said, "I was talking about ME!"

This got MORE laughter and then names were exchanged, and shortly thereafter, phone numbers as well.

My point: observations, comments and questions can be followed up with almost anything and combined with almost anything.

A favorite question opener of mine actually combines a question with a compliment, as in, "Do you do a martial art? You carry yourself with discpline and's a very rare and attractive trait."

By the way, when it comes to compliments to pick up women, I prefer to IMPLY them or combine them with a question and I prefer to strongly compliment a woman on how she moves or her "energy". For some reason these are lot more acceptable and less threatening and perceived as more sincere than direct comments
about her looks.

Approach Position 3: The Put-On

Now we come to my favorite "approach position" the put-on. The put-on is simply a humorous approach where you pretend something to get her attention. For example, if a woman is walking in my direction and is wearing a t-shirt with a logo or design, I will look confused, point at the shirt and say, "I don't get it".

Usually, the response is, "Don't get what?" To which I always say, "The shirt. What's it mean?"

At this point, I almost always get an explanation from her about the logo or symbol, to which my response is to pretend to disagree and argue in the most ridiculous way.

Example: sitting in a yogurt shop, a young lady with very large breasts walked in. She was wearing a tight t-shirt with a slogan that said, "Free the Afghans"!.

I pretended that I thought the shirt was about Afghan DOGS. You know..the shaggy haired, long-legged dogs you sometimes see accompanying models in photo shoots?

I said, "who is holding a bunch of dogs captive? Why do you want to free them? Do you want more dogs to be strays?"

She tried explaining, and I kept misunderstanding. Then I made a joke about being so good looking I didn't need to be smart. Then I introduced myself.

If you want a good idea of the overall attitude for this approach, think of Bugs Bunny. Or Groucho Marx. Or Leslie Nielsen from the "Police Squad" movies.

One more example of a put-on approach. I was sitting in a local café and seated behind me was a very attractive young Asian woman. I observed that she was thinking very hard, talking to herself, trying to figure out her economics book.

So I turned to her and said, as seriously as could, "Could I ask you not to think too loud? You look like a loud thinker, and I have very important writing to do."

My friend, who was sitting across from me said she couldn't stop looking at me after that and could not go back to studying! I turned to her a minute later and said, "Look…I asked you nicely not to think so loud! Don't make me call the management!"

At that point, SHE began a conversation.

There are many, many ways to enjoy a put on. And you can combine it with an observation as in this last example; my observation about this girl was that she really was, "thinking loud"-she was having trouble trying to figure out what she was reading and so she WAS talking to herself, internally, in her head, which is a way of "thinking loud".

Approach Position #4: Genuine Intuition

The final approach position is what I would call a genuine intuition. This is more rare and harder to do. But did you ever find yourself just looking at someone and you just KNEW that person? Like something deep inside you connected with something deep inside them and you just KNEW them?

In this case, when this happens, go with your intuition and tell them what you observe. It's close to an observation, but the difference with this position is, it really isn't something you could pick up with your physical 5 senses.

This is advanced stuff that will come in time, so I wouldn't worry about it for now. But as an example, I was once sitting in my favorite coffee place. As this beautiful blonde woman walked in the door, I saw an image of her on stage, singing. So as she walked by I just said, "How long have you been a singer?"

It totally blew her away. And a long conversation followed. So if you have a strong intuition, just run with it and give it a shot. It's a bit risky, but when it works it has an incredible impact.

Ok. That's it for this issue. Next we'll continue to take up this thread and tell you more great ways to meet women, anytime, anywhere. Until then,

Peace and piece,


P.S. Want real success and power with the women of your choice, instead of the women you have to settle for? Your Speed Seduction® Home Study Course is waiting for you! Just go to

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