Monday, May 25, 2009

Never Fear Again!

These days its fairly easy to predict the weather.

Would you like to be able to predict YOUR future as easily as predicting when it's going to rain or snow?

When we know what the weather is going to be, we can easily prepare for it so we're never caught off-guard.

Why not approach life in a "prepared" mode?

Why not prepare in advance, so that you will meet the future with confidence ability and empowerment, rather than panic confusion and fear?

It's been said that "Luck" is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity. That's true. There's no such thing as luck except the luck which we create and act upon.

The Spirit Warrior makes his or her own luck.

Remember this important rule:

"Any Area of Your Life You Do Not Design, You Are Leaving To Default!"

So which will it be - a life by Design, or a life of Default?

The Speed Summit Home Study Course is the tool you need to Design your Perfect Life. It puts seven DVDS of pure power right on your doorstep (along with some amazing FREE bonuses if you act now)

Here's what's on just one of these seven DVDs

* Maximize Your Time, Effort and Results

* Create Your Own Sanctuary for Mind Mastery

* Destroy the Competition using the new "Throwback” and "Reversing" Techniques

* The Energy Capture Using Magnetic Force and Fulcrum Techniques (you can use this in the ring, at the dojo, on the street, in the boardroom - anywhere - to Win!)

* How To Attract Anyone You Like, and Repel Energy Vampires

* How To Increase and Multiply Your Sales & Business Results

* Why Salesmen Fail and How To Reverse It

* Some Secrets of Time Distortion

* Never Fear Again: How To Obliterate Fear and Get it out of your life for good!

* Changing Your Past Present & Future using Time Line Therapy

* Zanshin Hakalau: The Warriors Greatest Secret of Awareness

* How To Tell If Someone Is Lying (the complete course!)

....and More!

Not bad for one DVD, eh?

Helping You Always Win,

Scott Bolan